')}/* Rotate the arrow when the collapsible is open */details[open]>summary:after{transform:rotate(-90deg)}/* ----Description---- *//*-- kiss --*/.dooplay_player{max-width:100%;display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat(3,1fr);grid-template-rows:repeat(1,1fr);grid-auto-flow:dense;background:#31333c}div#playcontainer{grid-column:span 2;grid-row:span 2;position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%}Alarum – Asiankh
Title: AlarumAfter the CIA discovers the whereabouts of two rogue spies, who have not only gone off-grid but have become husband and wife, all hell is unleashed on their winter honeymoon cabin resort in the woods by a consortium of international spy organizations who are after a ‘flight pill’, aka a hard drive, and all of whom suspect the two may have joined a network of rogue spies known as the Alarum.